domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Maximo Park - The Kids Are Sick Again (VIDEO)

Tema de su nuevo trabajo "Quicken The Heart", que saldrá el 11 de Mayo.
El single del tema del video saldrá el 4 de Mayo.

Message from Paul:

"Here's our new video. It starts off dark but there are unique LED lights that illuminate each section. We used special effects that make us look a bit Max Headroom.

If you've never heard of Max Headroom go to your nearest search engine, but not before you've watched this video!

Directed by United Visual Artists.

-Listado de canciones del Quicken The Heart:

1. Wraithlike (Post donde puedes escuchar este tema)
2. The Penultimate Clinch
3. The Kids Are Sick Again
4. A Cloud Of Mystery
5. Calm
6. In Another World (You'd Have Found Yourself By Now)
7. Let's Get Clinical
8. Roller Disco Dreams
9. Tanned
10. Questing, Not Coasting
11. Overland, West Of Suez
12. I Haven't Seen Her In Ages

La edición especial del disco es un pack de CD+DVD (

El single puedes adquirirlo en 4 formatos. -Maximo Park's Store

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