sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007

La brújula dorada /The golden compass


Una día estaba en la biblioteca y vi un libro de color marrón con un oso y dibujos cartográficos, decidí leerlo y me enganché desde el principio. Con Luces del Norte comenzaba lo que sería una trilogía llamada La materia oscura y que Philip Pullman terminaba,tras La daga, con El catalejo lacado. Cuando Harry Potter se llevó al cine, pensé que bien podía haber sido también Lyra Belacqua, la que apareciera en la gran pantalla. Hace dos días vi en la televisión un spot, y en cuanto vi las imágenes lo supe, The golden compass/La brújula dorada era la trilogía llevada a la gran pantalla. No habia enterado antes, a pesar de que en ella aparecen Daniel Craig y Nicole Kidman interpretando a dos de los personajes más interesantes de la historia. No voy a entrar en los pensamientos del autor, sólo diré que personalmente el rollo cristiano o todo lo contrario le sobraba a la historia. Y ya hay gente que está diciendo que no se vaya al cine a verla. Polémica hay. A pesar de eso y de que la fama de algunos actores puede que tape el fuerte carácter y peso de algunos personajes, no me lo voy a perder, porque llevaba mucho tiempo esperando esto :) Lyra Lengua de Plata, el oso, el aletiómetro y los daimonios por fin toman forma, aunque siempre nos gustará más imaginarnos los mundos creados en La materia oscura.

Golden Compass Trailer

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Golden Compass Trailer

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Una de las cosas malas de una película es que se saben muchas cosas al principio, y no entras en el juego de ir descubriendo las caras de cada personaje según la historia va sucediendo,pero siempre será así. Consolémonos con haber leído previamente el libro.

Description: Lyra Belacqua(Dakota Blue Richards) is a young girl living at Jordan College in the Oxford of an alternate world much like our own where everyone is accompanied by a daemon, a physical representation of their soul in animal form. Lyra overhears a stange meeting between her Uncle, Lord Asriel(Daniel Craig) and the scholars at Jordan college about other worlds and some substance called dust. After this meeting she is unsure about the true nature of her college. As time passes children around Oxford begin to disappear by the hands of a group known as the Gobblers. When Lyra's friend Roger(Ben Walker) is taken, she and her daemon Pantalaimon(Freddie Highmore voice) set off on an epic journey to find him. Before she can leave, the Master of Jordan College(Jack Shepherd) introduces Lyra to the beautiful Mrs. Coulter(Nicole Kidman). Lyra is immediately taken by Mrs. Coulter and goes to live with her. The morning of Lyra's departure, The Master calls her urgently into his office and gives her a strange instrument called an Alethiometer. He tells her that it is capable of telling the truth but that it is up to her to read it. He also pleads with her to keep the Alethiometer to herself.

After some time in Mrs. Coulter's company, Lyra discovers that Mrs. Coulter is deeply involved with the General Oblation Board which is the organization that has become known as the Gobblers. Upon discovering this information Lyra flees. She is picked up by the fierce but friendly Gyptian woman Ma Costa(Clare Higgins). Lyra travels with the Gyptians and becomes acquainted with John Faa(Jim Carter), Lord of the Gyptians and his advisor Farder Cordam(Tom Courtenay). Lyra also learns the shocking truth that Lord Asriel is really her father and that her mother is none other than Mrs. Coulter. She also learns that Lord asriel has been taken captive and is being kept in the bear kingdom of Svalbard under heavy guard. The Gyptians are planning to send the best of their people north to Bolvangar, the rumored headquarters of the General Oblation Board, to rescue the captured children. Lyra insists on accompaning the Gyptians on their journey North in hopes of finding Roger and her father.

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